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Прес-реліз щодо вшанування пам'ті героїв Небесної Сотні
Опубліковано 20 лютого 2015 року о 08:50

On February 20, Ukraine honors the feat of the Heavenly Hundred Heroes as a tribute to courage, will power and fortitude of citizens who sacrificed their lives in the course of the Revolution of Dignity (November 2013 - February 2014) defending the ideals of democracy, human rights and freedoms and the European future of Ukraine.

With the ultimate sacrifice of their lives, Nebesna Sotnia and other Heroes of the Revolution of Dignity defeated the lawless, corrupt and authoritarian regime of Viktor Yanukovych and ensured the right of the Ukrainian people to live in a truly independent, democratic and European state.

The heroism of the Ukrainian nation on numerous EuroMaidans throughout Ukraine stands as testimony to the national maturity, consolidation, dedication to the ideals of Ukrainian statehood and democracy, and great patriotism.

The same heroism is demonstrated today by Ukrainian soldiers and volunteers who are defending Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity against Russian aggression in Eastern Ukraine.

In a time when Ukraine is fighting for its freedom and independence, this day is a symbol of the invincibility of the Ukrainian people and a reminder that the truth always wins.

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