August 21, 2015
On August 24, 2015, Ukraine will celebrate 24 years of Independence.
It has taken over 20 years for our yellow-and-blue Independence Holiday to take roots. Now, it has really become a national holiday, despite the hardships our country is experiencing at the present time.
The second year Ukraine is fighting an undeclared but real war against outside aggression. This war against external aggression for Ukraine is the battle for its freedom, for honour and glory, for the people, for independence. Despite its tragic nature, these events, to the end, stipulated strong patriotic wave among our people, crystallizing them as Ukrainian political nation, confident in its European choice. The hard trials united Ukrainian family, that has proven the ability to defend its own state.
Our enemy is sly, artful and dodgy. Having no abilities to enslave Ukrainian people turning them into servants of the colonial power or the part of the new empire, it constantly destabilizes the situation in the country providing the separatists in the east of Ukraine with armament, ammunition and military personal, as well as financial resources and political support. Its strong propagandistic machine is trying to brainwash our people in order to undermine its unity.
Therefore, we need to act decisively and purposefully to gain peace and prosperity in Ukraine.
Unfortunately, it is clear now that in the near future Ukraine will face a constant military threat. That is the reason we are strengthening Ukrainian Armed Forces. Defending independence, the life and security of the people, the fight to enjoy freedom on our Ukrainian soil take colossal efforts by the entire nation.
At the same time, we also understand that the focus must be on pursuing a solution through diplomatic means. The full implementation of the Minsk agreements is the path to peace. Ukraine faithfully meets all commitments under Minsk agreements and displeased with the non-fulfillment of the key items of them by the Russian party, in particular, as regards the ceasefire and withdrawal of heavy weapons.
Ukraine values highly the support of those who have shown they are indeed our friends and partners. They are the EU states, the USA, and other states from Canada to Australia, from Sweden to Japan.
The key task of the Ukrainian authorities is to form a powerful international coalition that will stop the aggressor.
At the same time, we precede from the understanding that the modernization and accomplishment of deep reforms on the basis of European standards would be the key to the success of Ukraine. This would allow resolving a lot of issues.
Ukraine undertakes the steps towards constitutional reform. We are hopeful that the constitutional amendments on decentralization will be endorse at the nearest future conveying powers to the territorial communities and shortening the gap between people and authorities. However, Ukraine remains to be a unitary state.
Confident in its European choice Ukraine also carries out the specific reforms for the transition of the country from corruption, autocracy, and instability to pluralistic democracy and a modern economy.
We shall overcome all difficulties, defend the territorial integrity of our country, and achieve the success.
The strong and prosperous Ukraine among other free European nations in the European structures could be the best our response to the aggressor and its intentions.