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Інтерв'ю Посла України в Малайзії Олександра Нечитайла малайзійському виданню Malaysian Digest - "Ukrainian Fresh Fruits To Hit Malaysian Market This Year"
Опубліковано 25 липня 2018 року о 05:21

KUALA LUMPUR -- Ukrainian fruits would soon be available off the shelf in Malaysian supermarkets as the eastern European country's fresh produce will enter the market in the third quarter of this year.

Ukraine Ambassador to Malaysia and the Philippines Olexander Nechytaylo said the first supply of apples and berries (blueberries and raspberries) would be exported as a follow up to a business forum held here in January.

The delegation of 30 Ukrainian businesspersons aim to export products worth US$12 million to Malaysia this year, he said.

Ukraine currently also exports sunflower oil, wheat and corn, vegetables, dairy products and honey to Malaysia. According to Ukraine's State Statistics Service, the total volume of goods export amounted to US$130.7 million last year.

The ambassador said Ukraine will continue to increase its presence in Malaysia, especially considering Kuala Lumpur's strength as a great base for the Southeast Asia region.

"There are many things that Ukraine can learn from Malaysia, especially in terms of marketing. The operation cost is lower than other countries in the region such as Singapore, and it is well connected with other place in ASEAN in terms of flight connectivity," he told Bernama here recently.

Nechytaylo also commended the favourable legislation here to foreign investors, as well as the ease of business including hiring local employees and their proficiency in English.

He also expressed confidence in the Malaysian market and the transition the country is going through presently.

"Ukraine will be here and our presence will be on the increase," he said, adding both Malaysia and Ukraine were now very well positioned to complement each other.

Total trade between Ukraine and Malaysia in 2017 increased by almost nine per cent compared with 2016, amounting to US$335.8 million.

Malaysian Digest,

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